Arrgh Won the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal for Children’s Books Grades 4-6

Arrgh Won the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal for Children’s Books Grades 4-6

Nothing feels better then when some one tells you they like what you’ve written. The feeling is euphoric. Euphoric: Adjective They received a euphoric welcome: elated, happy, joyful, delighted, gleeful; excited, exhilarated, jubilant, exultant; ecstatic, blissful, rapturous, transported, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven; informal on top of the world, over the moon, on a high. So when I got an email from the people at Readers’ Favorite...

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10 Things Every Aspiring Author Should Know…

10 Things Every Aspiring Author Should Know…

You can’t write what you don’t know. Research is essential. No one gets it right in the first draft. The average novel is rewritten 7 times. You will get rejection letters. Learn Origami, rejection letters look much better when they are folded into cranes. There will always be people who don’t like what you write, you’ll never please everyone, it is impossible, don’t even try. Embrace your characters quirks and tells. When I was...

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I’m Afraid.

I’m Afraid.

Reviews are very important to authors; they can make or break a book. I wish I wasn’t, but I am afraid to write them. My spelling is that bad. How embarrassing is it to have to admit that I am an author who can’t spell? My publisher and editor actually laugh at my many mistakes. “At least I’m consistent,” they tease. Thank God I’ve learned how to laugh too. Well that and luckily my husband and children are great spellers who proof...

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Book Tour & Giveaway

Book Tour & Giveaway

Hurry! There are only 3 days left to get in on the action. CBB book tours is promoting The Lakeview Series. There are all sorts of reviews and a chance to win copies of  all 4 of the Lakeview books; Hush, Whisper, Scream and Silence. In addition we are giving away a $20.00 Amazon gift card! Here is just one example of a stop on this fun promotional romp. Click here to join in the fun and giveaway! My So-Called Review: Throughout this past...

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